Those who fall in love with a practise without science are like a helmsman who boards the boat without a rudder or compass, never being sure of where he's going

Seduced by chance by the art of the goldsmith, the designer's journey into this profession occurred fortuitously yet naturally, taking advantage of his innate sense of aesthetics, his patience and his tenacity.

The initial path towards this artistic calling evolved over time into a true passion, which has been his guiding light in every stage of his career: from young apprentice to modeller to stylist and designer.

His growth and development have seen his knowledge of the art being constantly refined, in pursuit of technical-aesthetic solutions for jewellery, alongside stylistic development and gemological expertise.

The collaboration with a host of leading Italian names and the support of various prominent masters, from whom he learned how to master the various goldsmith techniques, have served to enhance his innate sense of manual skill and precision.

The launch of a study and prototype centre providing consultation services for external production are among the most significant developments that have shaped the current Atelier, a space for the creation and presentation of exclusive collections and expert services in this field.

Here, a cross-contamination with other artistic forms such as sculpture, architecture and painting occurs, with these crafts being re-worked and reinterpreted, contributing to the creation of unique pieces of jewellery.

The admiration of others and the emotion evoked by the skilful synthesis of beauty and technique in each creation serve as precious stimuli and inspiration for new artistic creations.


Lombardy Region and the Lombardy Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture confer a specific recognition on artisans who, via their articles, demonstrate high quality in terms of the aesthetic, ideational, design and technical profiles.

Via Carlo Ravizza 19, 20149 Milan

Phone: + 39 0243510504

VAT IT 04403500962   F.C. DLLPRN63A18E514U

